Sunday, May 16, 2010

2 - Holding Me Together

Here we are at post #2 in this blog/journal.

It is Sunday night and I think that I had a decent weekend. I gave myself a list of tasks that I wanted to accomplish that was way too long. A few years ago I would look at a long list and get depressed just looking at it. I would feel overwhelmed by the number of things that I had to do and I would end up not doing any.

The way I conquered that was to make very shorts lists, perhaps only 1 small thing but when I accomplished that 1 thing I felt good. Successful!!! I no longer look at long lists of tasks as something to get me down and run to hind under the covers of my bed.

Here are the contents of my weekend list ...
- get oil changed in car
- mow the lawn in the backyard
- buy a book
- buy some blank DVDs
- vacuum the house
- move the couch to the other side of the living room
- try and repair the hole that Welsby chewed in the couch
- was the kitchen floor
- clean the bathroom
- dust
- get 3 illegal software applications
- write a post in Blogger
- download and install Thunderbird 3
- find a video joiner program
- do the paperwork that the CRA wants for my tax audit
- glue a small piece of wood on a window frame that Welsby accidentally pulled off
- join 2 videos together

I managed to get the following done
- mowed the lawn
- bought the DVDs
- vacuumed some of the house
- moved the couch
- cleaned the bathroom
- did some dusting
- am writing this post
- downloaded the illegal software
- found a video joiner
- downloaded Thunderbird 3
- tried to join the 2 videos together and it crashed my computer

Do I feel bad for not getting it all done? Nope. Do I care? Nope

But I also did my grocery shopping, laundry and ironing, went out and watched part of a friend's soccer game, make a fabulous dinner tonight for my son and I (Dill Salmon with Roasted Garlic and Tomato Soup ... from scratch. I am a damn fine cook if I do say so.

I had wanted to have my soccer friend come to dinner but her game started an hour late and I had to leave well before the end of the game. I spoke with her when she went home and told her that I had wanted to have her over but never had the opportunity to ask. She said that she would have probably come for dinner and more than likely would next time.

I'll say it right here and now, I have picked Montreal and San Jose to win the conference finals in hockey. This afternoon, San Jose lost the first game and Montreal is in the process of having their asses wiped by Philadelphia.

Woody is laying on the floor behind my chair snoring like a banshee, whatever that sounds like. The other dogs don't snore but Woody more than makes up for their silence.

At some point I will get this blog straightened out with some links but for now this is what it is.

Have a great night

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