Wednesday, May 26, 2010

6 - Weight Loss ...

I am losing weight and I don't know why.

Two years ago I weighed 170 lb and was told by many people that I looked good at that weight. By the end of 2008 I was up to 195 lb and I absolutely hated it for a couple of reasons. I thought that I looked horrible. I was uncomfortable at that size. I had no idea what made me gain 20 pounds in a 6 month period. Nothing had changed in my life, my eating habits, my health, my mental health, my exercise patterns, my medications ... nothing, yet I somehow gained 20 lb.

Well, no sooner had I reached 195, OK maybe a few months later, I started to lose the weight and a year later I was back around 170 and I felt pretty good about it. Ask me what I did to lose the weight. Go on, ask.

I'm glad you asked because I don't know. I am just going to copy and paste the following ... Nothing had changed in my life, my eating habits, my health, my mental health, my exercise patterns, my medications ... nothing.

No matter, I was back to feeling healthy and content in my size. I do not have a scale at home so I only get my weight when I have a doctor appointment or a planned visit with the diabetes nurses or dietitians at the hospital. Every time I am weighed my weight has gone down. The last time I had my weight taken was 2 weeks ago and I was at 159.7 lb. Why is this happening?

Each visit that includes being weighed I say to the nurse or doctor something along the lines of ... damn, I have lost more weight. But nobody has, to date, looked at my weight gain and loss over the past couple of years and nobody has said ... hmmm, let's take a look at what's going on here.

Next appointment is about a month away and as long as I don't waste away before then I am going to confront the nursing staff in the diabetes center and have them look at my gain and loss and try find a reason or try to understand why it is happening.

Because it is a weight loss every single visit I am a little concerned that it may be something wrong (something else) wrong with my body. Even if it is discovered and it is something terrible, I would rather know what it is then continue losing weight and not knowing why. I have allowed this to proceed for a couple of years now. Maybe it is something fatal that I could have prevented a year ago. Or, maybe it is something fatal that can be fixed because it was caught early.

As the wicked witch of the west said ... I'm shrinking, I'm shrinking

Peace, Out

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