Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5 - Weekend ...

It was another weekend of having a list of chores that was too long or I just work too slowly because only 3 of them were completed. While I didn’t complete very many, 2 of those I did complete were the bigger, more time consuming of the list. I even managed to do something that wasn’t on the list. I think that I can congratulate myself for a weekend well done.

Just a couple of years ago, if I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish, even a very short list of 1 or 2 items, and I didn’t accomplish what I wanted, I would head straight down the depression highway, even exceeding the speed limit. If the same thing happened over the following weeks, as it always did, my motivation would be beaten down to nothing. Recovering from that was damn difficult but over time I did. Unfortunately, for reasons that I cannot yet understand, my motivation has taken another beating and one of the reasons for this journal is to get that motivation back in full force.

Week after week, failing to complete tasks beat the crap out of any motivation that I could muster. By completing 3 (+1 extra) tasks this weekend did provide me with a little motivation. I suppose I could have done another 1 or 2 of the small ones but lack of motivation tells me that I am tired and I have to sit down, put my feet up and rest (another way to say vegetate) or daydream.

Yesterday was a beautiful, hot, sunny day and a holiday to boot, that I spent working outside. This morning was absolutely splendid … sunny, no clouds anywhere, 19 or 20C (67 or 68F). Driving to work with the windows open was a big rush of feel good.

Yesterday I also changed the bed linen from winter to summer. I use flannel sheets in the winter and cotton in the summer. When you get in bed, in the winter, I’ll bet that your cotton sheets are goose bump cold, aren’t they? The only thing about cold sheets is getting REAL close to your partner, assuming that you have one. With flannel sheets you don’t have to worry about the temperature of the sheets as they are always nice. In addition, they are really soft. If you haven’t tried them you should. Tonight I will probably put away the winter down duvet for the summer one.

We had a 3 day weekend this last one and I have a 5 day weekend this coming one. I have to use up the remaining 2009 – 2010 vacation year vacation time before the end of June. My list of tasks for next weekend will be very short, 1 item. I am going to paint the trim on the outside of the house. There are 9 large windows, 1 door + trim, 2 more doors to trim, the patio roof ceiling and the awning over the back door. I don’t think that it will take 5 days (I hope the weather co-operates) so if I finish early I will be able to get a couple of other things done. Maybe


Spiky Zora Jones said...

Hi honey: I've ben such a slacker. I have wanted to do several things and can not find the time. I either have something already to do ot I have vsisitors. We've been entertaining so much the last 2 months thatit is wearing me down. Deb's mother was in the hospital for several days and friends needed my support. Rehearsals are becoming brutal in the way of lack of energy. singing is fine...dancing has become laborous. I just want to lie down and rest...just 15 minutes. maybe I just need sex huh...hehehe.

I always have cotton sheets and if it's cold...I get naked and it suddenly gets real warm. :)

later baby. xxx

George said...

Hey Baby ... thanks so much for dropping by, it means a lot to me.

What you need is a personal manservant to take care of those muscles, bring you strawberries and cream and anything else you want ... and guess who would do the job oh so very well?

I love you Toni