Sunday, May 23, 2010

4 - Crap ...

This past week was awful. I had a project to work on that was due last Monday. I managed to get it done and hand it in and then it was changed each day until Thursday, right after I submit it each and every day. In a couple of words, work sucked.

A couple of weeks ago I joined a dating site, looking for I don't know what. I would love to have a bunch of 30 or 40 year olds contact me but alas that ain't happening. My profile is getting a couple of dozen hits every day and I get a few messages each day. I don't know what people are thinking when they decide to contact people. I receive a lot of messages from women in their 60s who, in most cases, look like they are in their 70s. They obviously don't read very well, nor do they comprehend. Sure they can take a chance but that chance of success is extremely slim.

I have started to correspond with a couple of women and one of them I cut off last night. We had exchanged quite a number of e-mails and touched on numerous subjects. One of them was movies and I said that I will not watch violent, bloody or gory movies, in fact, I would rather watch porn than violence. Dead silence. She then stumbled through a few words but didn't make a lot of sense. Figuring that she was not as enthusiastic about sex as I am, I dropped a few other "hints" that were sexual in nature and she was rather negative with them. So, suppose that I ignored that hesitation and we did do out together. Before too long we would end up in bed and with the hesitation she displayed if I tried anything other than straight missionary sex it would not have been received well or at all.

Sex is an extremely important part of a good relationship and if you can't or won't accommodate what you lover enjoys the relationship won't last very long ... at least from my point of view. So, rather than wasting my time (and money) on something that may end up in frustration and failure, I put a halt to everything.

Am I shallow? Perhaps.

Today has been an even worse day. I have an old shed in my backyard that I am getting rid of so I was out there taking it apart and my 3 dogs were in the yard with me. One of the boys, Welsby, enjoys going under, over or through the fence into my neighbor's yard. He never goes further than that. One minute he was laying beside the shed and when I checked again about 15 minutes later he has disappeared. I called and called him but he wasn't in the neighbor's yard. I checked in front of the house and walked up and down the street. Then I bundled the other 2 dogs into the car and drove every street in the neighborhood to no avail. The chance of finding him wandering on the street are pretty slim, having to be on the same street at the same time as he is.

This is the puppy (10 months yesterday) who had bilateral elbow dysplasia surgery 7 weeks ago and is not supposed to run or walk too much and is on a special diet. I pray that he is found somebody who either calls the pound (he has a city dog tag) or the microchip company (he is microchipped with a contact tag on his collar). I don't want to even think about him being hit by a vehicle or taken by somebody who disregards the ID that is on him.

I am going out again to see if I can spot him, please cross your fingers for me.


Welsby is back safe and sound. He was a total of 4 houses away and was there for almost 3 hours. He was laying on the grass in front of a house and the owner brought him in. Meanwhile, I was walking and driving the neighborhood for a couple of hours. I realize it's rather pointless driving around to look for a dog. It would be luck if I happened to be on the same street as him at the same time. I came back in and called the pound. Closed for Sunday and the holiday tomorrow. There was an emergency phone number so I called that. After giving a description, the city tag number and the microchip number she says that she thinks my dog has been located. She gives me the phone number of the person. It was Welsby and as I said, 4 houses away.

I no sooner got him back in the house when I loaded all 3 into the car and went to PetSmart. I bought a 2 foot long anchor that screws into the ground and a 40 foot steel cable. He has brought this on himself by refusing to stay in the yard.


JLee said...

You're not shallow, George. Perhaps you could ease into that subject a bit slower? lol Who knows? Maybe she is a wildcat, just waiting to emerge... ;)

Angela Roquet said...

I don't know. I say be bold. Life is too short to waste with a prude. :P

Spiky mentioned your blog in her last post, and since I adore her, I had to check it out. I have one through wordpress, , but everyone seems to be on blogger. I may just have to join.

Spiky Zora Jones said...

wha-hey...i couldn't believe it. hi my man. Yay! I can comment now. that's awesome.

I love the song playing on this blog.

I love it when you blog because I can gage your mood and see how you are doing. You know I worry...but in a good way. It's because I love you.
I'm running a day behind in corrospondance. My little guys b-day was Yesterday so I rushed home so I'd be there when his grandma (Vince's mom) brought him home. We had his real B-day party already, a week ago. it was the only time we could get everyone together. and of course yesterday he had another mini one. he was being a bad boy too. he was wrestling me as i sat on the couch talking to his grandma and other. got me in a head lock...and it was hard to get him to let go...he is so strong and he was laughing that I couldn;t get out of his head lock. My hair was a mess. I got the stinker in a head lock...he then gave up. He said. "okay stop...stop." Mommy is still the champ. He's a little pissed, he's a competitive lil kid.

oh...I should let you go. later sweetie.

I love you my man. xxx

George said...

Hi Jen ...Thank you for stopping by and leaving me with your usual wisdom that is always just what I ordered.

Hello Angela ... welcome and thank you too. You are also bang on ... life is too short and I have wasted enough of it already. That doesn't mean I mount my might steed and ride off pursuing damsel in distress, but I won't get off the horse

Dearest Spiky ... I have so a clear picture of the little guy holding you in a head lock, what a little bugger and I'll bet he didn't receive a word of encouragement either !!

Even with you hair a mess, your make-up smeared, your lipstick spread down to your chin. you will still be more beautiful than 99% of the women in this world and no, I do not exaggerate. If only I was 20 years younger and female.

I love you babe


Methinks I love you too Jen and you also Angela ... I'm just one of those lovin' fools (you could probably make a song of that Jen)